Igaal toasting with Walter.jpg

Who sits in Row 7?

My art has always been about collaboration. Though I’ve been confident in my ideas, I also saw that my vision was not something I could achieve on my own. I found early on that to manifest this, I needed to build a crew so we could all shine brighter together. Picking a great team has been the single most important decision I’ve ever made. There are filmmakers who claim to “do it all”, but I’ve seen those films that suffer from lack of outside input. If someone is there for you and shares your passion, you should give them a key to it so you can enjoy the collective outcome. I’m not interested in telling one story, one script, one project; rather we're committed to find the way our team can grow together over a multitude of projects.

Best of Trades

You’re dazed. You’re confused. You’ve popped two painkillers (....) and are stumbling out into the light of day. What the hell just happened? 

Bowl Cuts. Bowl Cuts just happened. Either it happened to you. Or it happened around you. Or it happened on you…. ew. But it happened. 

And you kinda want it to happen… again? Nawwwwwwwwyeah.

We got you.

Bowl Cuts Roast

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